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I tell, you tell, he/she/it tells, we tell, you tell, they tell their stories.

Yes, we all have a personal story about our "troubles", an anecdote, a desire to transmit (sometimes), a victory, an injustice...

Here our-your-their stories

Discover the personal experiences and unique perspectives of our atypical community

Hey! Pssssst...

If you prefer to send us your story by email:

An article, a funny anecdote, an injustice, an experience that you would like to share with the community?

I have something to tell

Before sending us your writing, you confirm that you have read the content guidelines

Fields with a * are required

It's over here

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Merci !!

Your perspectives and experiences can enrich our community and help others feel understood and supported.

Here's how it works in 3 steps


Submit your Article, your testimony or experience

Send us your article by filling out the form

below or by writing to . Make sure it complies with our content guidelines . We are open to a variety of topics as long as they are in line with the spirit of our community.



Review and Publication

Our team will review your article to ensure it meets our standards for quality and relevance. If changes are needed, we will work with you to make them.



Publication in your name

Once approved, your article will be published on Atypique World under your name, allowing the community to appreciate your contribution.


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Siret 982 631 541 00017 RCS Orléans

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